Owl™ EasyCast™ B1A


Cast and run a gel in the buffer chamber and achieve flat, even banding patterns on a consistent basis with these B1A Mini Gel Electrophoresis systems.


Cast and run a gel in the buffer chamber and achieve flat, even banding patterns on a consistent basis with Thermo Scientific™ Owl™ EasyCast™ B1A Mini Gel Electrophoresis Systems. The ideal size for every lab, this system determines molecular weight ranges of PCR fragments or larger sized DNA molecules.




Electrophoresis Chamber


Features & Benefits

Features: Two comb slots on gel tray double sample capacity by doubling number of sample wells. UVT gel trays are silk screened with a florescent ruler for easy measurement of bands. Leakproof casting allows a gel to be cast and run in the same chamber with no tape or additional parts required Run from five to 24 samples in 15 minutes.


Official Website

Owl™ EasyCast™ B1A – Official Website


Owl™ EasyCast™ B1A – Brochures

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